Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack
5 stars - "Review for Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack" This Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack is the best Wax I have tried.
  • Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack - Image 1
  • Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack - Image 1

Mrs Palmers Bali Brew Surf Wax 3 Pack

Product ID: 5190753
Brand: Palmers
From: $19.50 AUD

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Mrs Palmers Bali Brew is the ultimate tropical water wax. Packaged in it's own cardboard box it's friendly to the environment as well as the rest of your luggage.

Bali Brew offers the ultimate grip in any hot and sticky situation.  Idea for Indo, Fiji, Maldives, Hawaii and any hot Australian waters.

The original and best triopical water wax for hot and sticky areas

More Wax and others in our range
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